Do You (Really) Need Traffic or Quality Traffic ?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008 | ,

There are many ways to raise your website traffic. We can use social bookmarking site or take advantage from social power (and enginer it) to get top spot, we can use SEO technique to gain traffic, we can use offline promotional champagne, or we can -usually expensive- conduct online champagne.
One of online champagne technique is make a Contest. A contest can be expensive or cheap, depend on what will be the prize. You can give a sport car or you may give away a cheap hosting coupon as a winner prize.
Commenting Contest is a variation from Contest technique. Yesterday, we published story about this, which we believe a failure because many user give so many useless comment like "I want it" or "I want it badly" repeatly. Yet the ratio between comment and viewed video score is showing a negatif sign : only few really watch the video.

Now lets take a look to another commenting contest which happens just right now. Here are the rules: The contest will end when this video has 1000 comments. And the person with the most comments will be the winner. A registered Youtube user can give comment as many as they can.

As final result there are 1061 comments now, and if you watch the video, there's nothing else to show besides "woot" keyword. But We think this contest is works, because there are 1500 view for this video and the keyword "woot" is succesfully delivered. Anyway, why they keep commenting after contest is over ?
